Home Tuition Care - Home Tuition for Any Levels, Subjects, Areas in Malaysia
kojadi institute Teacher Providing Home Tuition at petaling jaya::
We arrange home tuition for any level, subject and area.
Below is one of our registered tutor's profile.

Home Tuition Teacher's Profile
: 3326  
Age : 43  
: Female  
: Chinese  
Staying Location : petaling jaya
Marital Status :
Transportation :
Qualification and Experience
: bachelor of information systems
University/College/Institution : universiti tunku abdul rahman
Course : business information systems
Current Occupation * : Lecturer   
No. of years of experience
Name of school, tuition centre, or institution
kojadi institute
Language Preferred in * Conducting Class : Chinese   English  
Standard 1-6 (UPSR) * English   Chinese  
Form 1-3 (PMR) * Chinese   History  
Non-Academic Subjects * Basic IT  
Available Tuition Time
Saturday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)    Evening (6pm-10pm)   
Sunday * : Afternoon (2pm-6pm)   
Travel Area
WangsaMaju   KL CITY   PJ, SS2  
Other Area PJ section 17
Self Description I'm currently working as a lecturer in an institute. I'm teaching IT subjects such as C++ programming, sturctural c programming, organization behavior, management information systems, object-oriented analysis and design, psychology, pengajian malaysia, computer fundamental and introduction to information technology.
Proven Track Record
Achievement I score A in SPM english, economy, account, maths and arts.
Please contact us to request for this tuition teacher.