Home Tuition Care - Job Offer

Offer ID : C710333
Offer Date : 11/11/2009
Location :  Bukit Indah, Perling, JB
  Student's Race  Indian
Student Level :  Going STD 5
Subject :  Math
No. of Student :  2
No. of Class Weekly :  2
Duration of Class :  1.5 h
Preferred Tuition Day :  Weeksday
Preferred Tuition Time :  Afternoon
Preferred Race :  Any
Preferred Gender :  Any
Budget :  RM 35 per hour
Remark :  Start class in Dec. Revised for STD 4 Math first. January start STD 5 .

Sorry, this tuition job offer has lapsed because the class has been arranged to shortlisted tutor. Thus, interested tutors do not need to apply.
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